Foreign currency purchased and sold

Purchase and sale of foreign cash by authorized banks and NBS branches in line with the Decision on the Requirements for and Manner of Performing Exchange Transactions (from 1 January until 31 December 2024)

Month Bought Cash
(in EUR mln)
Sold Cash
(in EUR mln)
January 288.0 339.7
February 311.3 244.0
March 407.1 281.4
April 448.0 326.6
May 412.4 258.8
June 330.3 287.6
July 379.4 303.3
August 345.5 268.5
September 345.3 270.5
October 435.4 329.0
November 413.4 278.7
December 405.9 419.4
Total: 4,521.9 3,607.5

Foreign currency purchased and sold pursuant to the decision on exchange operations